After looking at other designs of Robot boys I decided to design my own. I made the robot very square so that is looked more like a robot than anything else. I added head phones because I felt like this would show that the robot is interested in writing and listening to music. I didn't add any colours to the robot as I didn't feel necessary at this stage. However I would make the robot colourful, to make it eye catching.
Other ideas
I researched other different kinda of designs for Robot boys. This is one that I found. I feel that this is a good design. However if I were to use this i would change a considerable amount about it. For example; the face is too plain and doesn't show much emotion, therefore I would add detail to the face. Also I dislike the colours of the robot. I would make the robot much more colourful so that it looked a lot more interesting and eye catching.
However I feel the shape and size of the robot is perfect.
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