Sunday, 10 July 2011

How has the globalisation of brands impacted on everyone, everywhere?

Globalisation of brands has a huge impact on many people everyone. Globalisation will impact everyone in the way that it will be shown everywhere, effecting people’s daily lives as they are bombarded by advertisements of brands that have been purposely spread across the world to spread the word about their brand so that they can persuade more people to buy a brand. Globalisation of brands will also impact over companies. It will impact on other companies as once a brand goes global it is out in the open, therefore it’s more likely that the brand will stay unique as everyone will know about it and no one will be able to steal the idea of that brand or the company that created that brand.
There are many advantages and disadvantages when a brand goes global for both companies and us as consumers/audience. Advantage’s for companies is that they will gain more consumers for their brand as more people will be able to view and find out what the brand is and is about, therefore making people want to buy it. By more people buying the brand it means that the company will gain more money so they have more chance of keeping their brand going. Advantages for Consumers is that they will know that the brand is good enough to be bought as it has been globalised, it also means that many people will be able to see a good brand that could possibly help them out.
Disadvantages for companies are that many other companies will be competing to be the better company, which makes it harder for each company to do as much advertising as the possibly can as they will be looking to sabotage each other in order to get more sales. Disadvantages for Consumers are that it will be difficult to choose between the better brands as there will be so many. Another disadvantage is that they will be seeing that brand everywhere they go which can be slightly annoying and may put them off from buying the brand.
Some people believe that when you buy a brand you buy an identity/life style. I disagree with this statement as I believe that a brand is just something you can buy/wear/use therefore it doesn’t really influence anyone’s lifestyle in any way at all. Also I feel that a brand is just something that a company can make money from, which is true. Therefore it’s created to be used, not to change someone’s whole life.

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